Leave Your Mark - The Sacred Act of Fertility Coaching

In this informative and inspiring episode for Health Youniversity, Dr. Susan Fox is joined by Kathryn Bregman. She is the owner of Badass Fertility and is also a fertility coach. Kathryn has had her own experience with IVF and she sheds light on the fact that even if you do the right things for your body during your IVF journey, you may still need some help for your mind and the emotions that you go through while trying to conceive. 

Kathryn’s Journey

Kathryn got married at 36 and she felt like she was already “behind” and had a deeply ingrained fear of the clock ticking. Looking back now, she realized that 36 is still a young age to try to start a family as she found so many ways to try to get pregnant with her husband. However, although there are physical conditions and battles women have to face during their late 30s while they try to conceive, the unspoken battle with your mind and emotions is another thing you need to take into consideration. Kathryn shares on how she was able to set her mind straight and get out of the fight or flight mode so that she can turn her dreams of having a baby with her husband. 

Working with Kathryn 

The information overload when it comes to ways you can conceive can be overwhelming. That’s why working with a coach like Kathryn could truly help you navigate the waters. Kathryn shares that one of the things she brings to the table when working with women is telling them this, “Okay, you’ve got a tremendous amount of options here – ranging from going naturally to doing IVF, getting an egg donor, surrogacy” but how are you supposed to figure out what is the right option for you? 

Kathryn helps women get in line with their mind so that they make better choices with regards their bodies. Kathryn adds, “I always come back to that question: How do we get in touch with ourselves to really know?” She asks this question because she knows and believes that we all know on our gut level when something is right for us. However, although we already have that gut feel, we are in that place of fear so we shut that voice up and we wind up wasting more time. 

You might be in the same situation Kathryn was years ago, and she is here to tell you that it’s okay to take a break, it’s okay to process what you are going through, and it’s okay to take a step back and honor what you are feeling. When you do these, you just might be surprised with what is in store for you and how easier it could be for you to conceive because when you take a breather, you will understand your body better and be in tune with what you need to do and the decisions you will be making! 

For a deeper dive into this informative and inspiring conversation with Kathryn, tune into this episode on iTunes, Spotify, or your favorite podcast player. And if you love what you hear, don't forget to leave a review and subscribe for more insightful episodes on health, wellness, and the human experience.

Listen to the full episode here.


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